Saturday, February 9, 2008


Hi... I am Shashank, Shaz to many. I'm independent, emotional, and über-romantic. I'm good, bad, though not ugly. I'm confused and I'm confusing. I am.. a rebel without a cause. I want to be rich and powerful - the next big business tycoon of India. An ardent admirer of the two paragons of India's east - the two Dadas. For someone, I am THE best.

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, people of all ages... here on this very webpage will you have the good fortune of feasting your senses on my observations, my inspirations, and a handful of my literary explorations... Hope you do enjoy! :-)


S.h.w.e.t.a. said...

Hey.. congrats on the blog! :-) Wanted to be the first to comment here, but I guess when writer's block kicks in, it REALLY kicks in! Hehe.. Anyway.. I really like the easy-going yet thought-provoking nature of the blog.. the miscellany of the subjects does make it all very interesting (I speak as the beta person who gets to read everything before anyone else and knows what's coming next.. tiny "yay" for me! :D), as does your thought construction.

To Shashank:
Thou shalt search all space beyond the skies,
Thou shalt look 'neath the sands of time,
But never, this I promise thee,
Shalt thou ever find a truer line.
Keep up the good work!

To others: Keep checking back folks! :) I promise no more of my comments shall be longer than the actual post! :P

Shaz said...

Hehe...thanks a lot Shweta :)
I really hope to keep up with the hype you have created now :P Frankly, a great time to post the greatest comment ever :)
You are too good :)